Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Air Driven Pumps Overview

Air driven pumps are extremely helpful amplification solutions that allow users an affordable and simple way to boost output. Once the desired output level is reached, these devices use almost no energy to maintain their output pressure. They also do not generate heat, and can thus be used in explosion proof environments as well as HAZMAT environments. Their light-weight, ease of use and diversity of output pressures makes them an extremely versatile solution for a huge variety of different applications.

The purpose of any of these pumps is to increase the output pressure at the point of use. Air driven pumps come in different maximum flow rates and provide different maximum output pressures depending upon the type of situation in which it will be used, as well as the desired output. An inlet valve should be integrated into the pump in order to provide complete control over the output pressure and amplification that it provides to the user.

There are many different situations where an air driven pump may be the best choice for users to increase desired output pressure in a cost-effective and low energy way. A few of the different possible applications where an air amplifier may be used include:

• Hydraulic applications. Air driven pumps can be used in braking, clamping, calibrating, crimping, compacting and embossing, among other hydraulic applications. For those operating hydraulic tools or even making use of custom machinery, an air amplifier can be used to boost output pressure in an effective way. Because air driven pumps can be used for so many hydraulic applications, a single one serves as a multi-purpose tool that can be used for a huge variety of commercial or industrial purposes.
• Pneumatic and gas boosting applications. Air driven pumps are also useful as a booster in pneumatic applications and in gas applications. Some possible examples of situations where an air driven pump would be used for a pneumatic or gas application include the use of the amplifier with air clams or work holding. When conducting a leak test or a pressure test, air driven pumps can also be used. A natural gas boost or accumulator charging are two other scenarios in which air driven pumps can be used in a professional, commercial or industrial setting. Air driven pumps can even be used by the general public for paint ball guns.

As these long lists of different applications show, air driven pumps provide a very useful tool that has many different purposes. Users who are looking for a low-cost, simple and easy to use method of boosting intermittent flow and/or of meeting increased output pressure demands should strongly consider the use of an air amplifier.

Those who are ready to purchase such a pump should ensure that they explore the maximum flow rate of the amplifier to determine that it will work for the desired purpose. Purchasing an air amplifier with the ability to be mounted horizontally or vertically or to be factory-mounted to an air receiver can also increase the versatility and ease of use of an air amplifier so the amplifier can be ready to go upon receipt.

Know more about Air Driven Pump visit our corporate website at

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